Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 Reflection: 2013 Goals

Happy New Year!

2012 has been an extremely interesting year. I have had some challenges, and transitions to encounter and work through, but all in all it was full of blessings. I completed the coursework for my doctoral program and I am writing away on my dissertation, I left the current state and job I was in for a new opportunity which I have yet to regret J, I met a wonderful man am have been in a great relationship for about 3 months now, I lost about 10 pounds (that I managed to keep off), I exercise a little more and eat a little better overall, and I strengthened and let go of some relationships with friends and family members.
 Looking back over the past year, I have no regrets, but I do know that there are some things that I need to continue to do better and some goals that I would like to accomplish in 2013. I thought that making a list of these goals and unleashing it “virally” might help me keep myself on track and in check….So here goes: Professional1.    Continue to transition & learn. I have been on my latest job for 7 months now and I am enjoying it, but know that I need to step up and challenge myself even more.
2.    Decide on my next employment move for 2014 J3.    FINISH My DISSERTATION & Graduate on May 11, 2013!!
4.    Professional development- attend and present at 2 conferences (minimum in 2013).
5.    Keep my resume & vitae open and updated
6.    Work on POP!!! Make a list of goals to grow this business, save up enough for my incorporation & website and make it happen by December 2013!
7.    BBS- Post at least once per week, market to a target audience, build our network, clientele, and inventory.
8.    Move forward with the Empowered Apparel Launch!
9.    Meet at least 4 new people to add to my network.
10.                  Find a professional mentor
  Financial1.    Save each month in both savings accounts & DO NOT spend any of the money J2.    Pay into my individual IRA 12 times this year ( 1 per month, or at least 12 times minimum)
3.    Begin a rainy day cash fund
4.    Look at credit report & clear up any needed items
5.    Pay more attention to my investment portfolio. Learn more about the stock market!!
7.    Shop less & spend less overall
8.    Begin savings for first property purchase & new car fund
  Personal1.    Say “NO” when I NEED to, and be at peace with it.
2.    Lose 30 pounds J, Lose at least 10-15 by graduation
3.    Plan a good birthday event for Bryan and myself
4.    Work on being more patient & positive at ALL times
5.    Serve my community & others less fortunate than myself
6.    Love Bryan (really understand all that it entails and what it means to be a significant other, and do a good job at being his partner)
7.    Cultivate better relationships with family and friends (let some people go, and change some relationships, give more to myself)
8.    Love myself, and be positive and happy about my successes, but always remain humble
9.    Enhance my spirituality & relationship with God
10.                  Learn to meditate for real, and do it
11.                  Exercise regularly (jog, meditate, yoga, martial arts or dance!!) JOIN A GYM!!
12.                  Try at least two things that I have NEVER done before, but that I think are really interesting and/or cool
13.                  Help others & be the best Devan I can be
  Other1.    Help my brother plan an amazingly awesome family reunion for July, 2013
2.    Go on at least 2 vacations
3.    Never let fear inhibit my ambitions
4.    Act, and not just dream & plan
5.    Write, Write, Write (complete a book of poems, short stories, or essays, and begin a novel for publication) JThat’s all I can think of at this time, but I am sure that I will come up with more. My goal will be not to delete anything on this list, only add and make minor edits as needed. With this blog in 2013, I want it to be more about my journey to obtaining each of these personal goals.

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